It's been so long since I've written one of these that I really don't know where to start. I'm sitting here, looking at the screen thinking "What am I going to say? And to whom will I say it?"
Let's have just a quick catch up, shall we?
The remainder of the holidays went really well. After a week in Connecticut, I flew to Utah. That's where I'm originally from. It was so much fun - the night I arrived, my four best friends and I went out and it was like I had never left...
BHod pretended like he didn't want to be out. He's always like that - perpetually grumpy. But the honest truth is that he's happy to be out with people he loves. And after a few drinks he forgets that he's pretending to not enjoy himself and is very sweet and loving. Le Sigh - I miss that boy!
Mama M is still Mama M. Yes, her stories still go on for sooo long. But when you've been away, you miss it! I couldn't get enough. We had some awesome laughing and snuggling and teasing... She's such a wonderful person. I'm so lucky that she came into my life when she did! Even though the circumstances of that meeting pretty much sucked (we used to work together and the job turned out to be total shit), she is the thing I walked away with that made it worth it!
J, of iknowaboutpopular fame, is just as funny and loving as he's always been. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I was with him again. The man is brilliant I tell you! Of all my friends, I spent most of my time with him. He lives next door to my sister and had most of the week off - which I am SO grateful for! We got in Chinese Warehouse, Juno, and shared the most incredible country biscuits at Ruth's. He also ended up being my "Hey, is that the sun?"-buddy... Total trooper. He even gussied up to go to the O.G. (ugh) with my family. If that's not true friendship, I don't know what is!
And then there's Faithy. The only time that I was more than like 20 feet from my sister was on New Year's Eve when I went to dinner with my high school clan. And that was only about 2 hours. The ENTIRE rest of the trip I spent with her. It's a little ridiculous how much I miss her. And I know I use the term a lot, but seriously she is my Best Friend.
So anyway, the trip was great. There are a ton of people that I was able to reconnect with, whom I adore, but that list would go on forever and I don't want this blog do become tedious. But I love you all!
So my trip highlights: "HANDLE IT!"; Benny's Woodshed; karaoke with Lis; NEW YEAR'S EVE; Happy Sumo; Park City outlets; facials, mani's, and pedi's (oh my!); my parents crashing game night (my mother is hilarious!); and my father's uncontrolable laughter at the chipmunk in Enchanted.
It's great to be back home. I mean now, back in New York. Over the last six or seven months it really has started to feel like home. I mean, when I first moved here it was awesome and I couldn't get enough of the bars and museums and restaurants and theaters and galleries and shopping and... I'm at a place now where it's not like that anymore. Like, I don't feel like I'm running around trying to do everything. My life finally synch'd up with the crazy Manhattan pace, and it feels like home.
Since being back I've had a couple of awesome nights out with the boys, saw Xanadu (PS- the show is v. funny), and gotten back into my daily routine.
I actually missed work. I know. That sounds crazy. But New York has made me a "routine" person. Correction: my job has made me a "routine" person. It's kinda nice :)
Let's see... what else?
I haven't seen Dr. S since I've been back :(
Have I mentioned him on here yet? He is someone that I have seen a few times, and think that I could maybe really like. He's great - kind, smart, and just the right amount of dorky that reads as completely endearing. He's got that "I'd kick your ass if everything I am wearing wasn't Dry Clean Only" kind of good looks...
My issues with Dr. S are two-fold: 1- his work keeps him very busy (which I knew before I met him, so I can't really complain); and 2- Brooklyn. Not that there's anything wrong with Brooklyn, but him living out there when I'm all the way on the upper end of UWS just isn't conducive to random get-togethers.
I normally lose interest after about a week. Seriously. I get bored. And if I don't get bored after one week then I stop thinking of them as anything other than a friend after two.
But with him? Well, it's been over a month now. And I still smile when I think about him... So I'm not throwing in the towel yet...
What else is there to say.....
Um, actually nothing. I'll be getting pics from my travels and holidays up soon.
Hope ya'll are doing well!
Sassy Strawberry Sorbet
1 year ago