Monday, September 28, 2009

Last night was the start of the fall season for many of my favorite Sunday night TV shows. Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives... everybody came back with a pretty good showing.

I have to say though -- I don't think I have EVER laughed so hard as I did at the premiere of "Family Guy". I kept having to rewind the tv because my laughing was drowning out every other line!

Just to sum it up for you... Stewie invents a remote control that transports him and Brian to varying alternate realities. Just a taste of a few of those universes...

Brian: Love it.
Stewie: Hate it.

Stewie: Love it.
Brian: Hate it.

Stewie: Uh, Brian? This feels wierd...
Brian: Push the button!

And my favorite moment: The Griffin family as seen through the eyes of Walt Disney?

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend heading over to Hulu to watch it!

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