Adam Lambert blew the doors of the closet today.

I find it really hard to believe that middle-America gave a collective gasp. I mean, really? You truly didn't realize that the mezzo-sprano goth choir boy was a Ho-Mo-Sex-U-Al? Really???
To my ever naive compatriots, I would like to on behalf of the not-so-dense population of America say "UM, DUH!"
Adam gave a pretty great interview (which you can read
here) to Rolling Stone.
My favorite quote: (on getting so much attention from female fans) "Just because I'm not sticking it in there doesn't mean that I don't find it beautiful."
LOL -- and EW!
My second favorite quote: "I still have moments where I think, 'Oh, my skin is terrible, and I'm a little fat. I should really go to the gym more.' But for the most part, when I look in the mirror now, I finally see somebody who can do something cool."
Wow, Adam, that's the first time I've ever found you even slightly relatable.
Ok, one more quote: "I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader."
And the gay community thanks you for that.
Keep wailing your face off! You are a ridiculously talented human being, and while I think America absolutely got it right this year by choosing Kris Allen (swoon), I hope you are able to do whatever it is that you want to do.
Just don't hate me if I don't come running to your concert. I truly don't think I could take an hour of your screaming. Not that it's not impressive. Just not my bag-o-chips.