And we're back!
For a while there I was able to get in a new post almost every day. Then I got slammed at work - SLAH-AMMED!
I finally had a moment to breathe this afternoon, so thought I'd take this time to catch ya'll up on what's been going on in my world.
Which, now that I'm thinking about it, is a whole lot of nothing.
Last weekend I was supposed to be hanging out with my dad, but I got stood up. His business trip to DC got cancelled last second, which pretty much flushed that weekend down the drain for me. Not that I stayed indoors feeling sorry for myself - I ended up going out to Stamford with B and his BF which was a lot of fun. Sunday I did stay indoors, but was too distracted by a Top Model marathon (don't judge - that show is
addicting) to feel bad about the fact I had no Dad. And I mean "have no Dad" in an immediate, spacial sense.
Two Wednesday's ago I hunkered down and watched the 2007 CMA Awards with my buddy Brad. I used to be a
huge country music fan. I still like it, but definitely much less since moving out of those Rocky Mountain highs. I walked away feeling two things:
1- Who are the stylists working in that industry? Cuz they should be shot...
2- I am in love with Carrie Underwood.

Let's see, what else has gone on...
I met Mary Testa, who is currently starring in Xanadu on Broadway. Which I haven't seen. But I did see her a number of years ago in 42nd Street and I really adore her. You know what I don't adore? How awful I look in this picture of us...

That same night I got in some good hanging out time with the gang. David and Kim in particular. This picture is much better, and I feel it redeems me a little from the previous one.
Family MattersAbout a month ago, my sister learned that my nephew's eyes are really bad.
REALLY BAD. I believe his eyes are at +5.5 and +6.5, left and right respectively. His right eye is a little crossed, so they're going to be doing a patch at some point in the future to correct that as well. She felt awful for him. I think he looks stinkin' ADORABLE.

He called to tell me all about them. He's very excited about seeing better, and is really into to wearing "the blue ones, just like Nano"!
My sister's street lost a tree last week. The tree will be appearing this winter at Rockefeller Plaza. She called me and was really excited. It is the biggest thing to happen in Huntington since the Arts and Crafts Fair a few months back. Which was lame.

B's getting a new apartment, K's still waiting to hear about her Visa status, and my sister's father-in-law had a birthday.
Tuesday night was the birthday dinner, so K and I trained out to Darien. The birthday boy isn't doing well, and isn't expected to live all that much longer. I was nervous going out there as it was the first time I'd be seeing him since the terminal diagnosis.
Anyway, dinner was awesome at the Melting Pot and everything was normal. Until the end when my sister's mother-in-law pulled me aside to ask me a question...
HER: I need ask you something personal...
ME: Absolutely. What's up?
crying Will you sing for [my husband]?
pause You mean, like, tonight?
HER: No. When he dies! At his funeral. Will you sing?
forcing myself not to break down Of course! You don't even have to ask...
It's hard to know how to react to being asked to sing at a funeral for a man who is sitting across the table from you, laughing and conversing. The whole situation is completely heartbreaking. I kept it together until I reached the train platform to head back into NYC. Then I lost it and had to hide my face in my scarf the entire way home to muffle my sobs.
Something to look forward to I guess :0(
This weekend my eldest sister is coming out to visit, and I am very excited to see her. She'll be spending most of her time in CT with my sister, but we'll get some good time together regardless.
Hope everyone is doing well, and have an awesome weekend!