It was a nice weekend here. On Friday night I went to see the musical "Grey Gardens". The show was completely fantastic. Act One was a little bit slow, but the music was so pretty that I really didn't mind all that much. Plus, this isn't a show you see for the first Act.
Act Two is a straight adaptation of the film documentary of the Ladies Beale. It covers the time that Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter "Little Edie" spend living in squawler, creating the concept of "cat ladies".
The second act is artistically brilliant. And MY GOD Christine Ebersole is enchanting. I know I said many times before that I didnt' think she was going to with the Tony this year and that it would go to Audra for "110". Many people told me I was wrong.
And had I seen this show prior to the awards, I would have put my money on her! You can balance a pin on the tone of her voice. And her transformation of Mother to Daughter is magical in it's complete complexity!
In short - LOVED IT. It's a pity that shows like this (and COMPANY) don't last that long in the theater world. GG will be closing at the end of this month.
Saturday was great. I went to MoMA, which took me almost six hours to get through. And I didn't even stop to look at everything. A lot of the art I just wasn't that into. Like some of Picasso's stuff is just plain frightening. NO BUENO. I'm much more a fan of VanGogh, Claude Monet, and Georges-Pierre Seurat. Seurat is probably overall my favorite artist that was on exhibit. Monet's "Reflection of Clouds on a Lily Pond" was also incredibly impressive. It is by far the largest work of art I have ever seen.
But of course the highlight of the day was standing in front of "Starry Night" by Van Gogh. I've grown up seeing so many posters and pictures, and hearing songs based on that work. But do be right there in front of the actual thing was phenomenal!
So after the museum I caught a movie with a friend. We saw "Evening" which boasts an incredible cast. And incredible they are. But the movie itself? I'm sorry, but not even the best acting in the world could save the chaotic script that is probably best presented in an 800 page novel.
By far, the best thing in the film was the performance by Hugh Dancy as "Buddy". The character contributes the films underlying gay themes in a completely heartbreaking yet not BrokeBack sort of way. For this performance alone I would say to rent it when it comes out!
Oh, and Patrick Wilson is in it too, which also puts it up there in my recommendations. He's so damn dreamy. And as Meryl Streep's character says, "We're all in love with him".
Yesterday was pretty low key. Did some exploring in the neighborhood. Had a phenomenal Florentine Burger at Big Nick's. Seriously, best burger I've EVER had.
While I was laying low this weekend in the city, my family was enjoying some beach time in CT. Here's the cutest picture of Jack and Lexi. Lexi is one of two Maltese owned by Jack's Auntie Jo. You can see the other puppy behind... That's Hudson. They're great dogs, but before now have wisely avoided Jack. Apparently they are more comfortable with him now!
Tonight I'm meeting with the director of the Fresh Fruit Festival, an LGBT Theater Festival that I'm going to be volunteering with over the next month. I don't really know what's in store yet, but I've got to make some friends that share my enthusiasm for the arts, and this seems like a good place to start looking!
Have a nice day!
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