Charlotte's pregnant, ya'll!

"[Chris] Noth and [Kristen] Davis were full of smiles for the crowds and each other between takes, but the atmosphere between the two takes a tempestuous turn when the cameras roll.
Arms loaded with shopping bags, a flustered Charlotte flees the restaurant, screaming, "I don't want to see you," as Big runs behind her.
Arguing in the street, Charlotte yells, "I curse the day that you were born," before labor pains stop her in her tracks, forcing her to take Big's ever-present chauffeured limousine to the hospital." (Source)

What the EPH is going on there? Big and Carrie are back together and, from photos I saw yesterday, really happy. What is Charlotte so worked up about?
Good lord... I hate that I have to wait until next summer for this...
I'm going to go scoop out the set today. Rumor has it they're shooting on 55th and Park, which isn't all that far from my office.
Lunch break, anyone?
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