I don't really know who exactly I am apologizing to, as I am unsure who my avid readers are... I know my own sister doesn't really ever check in so I can't very well expect anyone else to. Never the less I assume that there are folks out there who occasionally check in on Spenc in the City, and have been disappointed at the lack of posts for the week!
So to you folks: Many. Sincere. Apologies.
Last Saturday B. finally arrived! Can I just tell you how thrilling it is for me to finally have my best friend in the same city as me? It's like... I don't even know what - Just something really good!
So Saturday morning my cousin Jos's baby (Ajani) turned one.
The party was scheduled to begin at 11:30 at a park on Jane St and West Side Highway. So I agreed to meet my sister and nephew at Grand Central as opposed to explaining how to transfer subways and what not (not really on my way, but that's just the kind of brother/uncle I am!) We ended up getting down to 14th St and 8th Ave at the time the party was scheduled to start. We began walking toward the west side when I mentioned that it looked like it was going to rain. The words had barely left my tongue when sure enough it started to pour! So we huddled under a bus stop and called my cousin. He said the rain would let up and they were going to hold out. So we got in a cab and got down to Jane St. As we were getting out of the cab, he called and said that they had given up and were going to go back to their loft, which is about two blocks from the bus stop we had been dry under before! So back into the cab we went.
The party itself was very cute. Lots of children between the ages of 1 and 3. By "a lot" I mean five. But in New York City that feels like A LOT.
After the party was done I met up with Brian who had finally arrived! We had dinner and then met up with a guy that I dated like three years ago and hadn't seen since. It was great to see him - such a cutie! The night would've been really great had we not ended up at the trashiest bar EVER and my former-crush hadn't tried to hook me up with his friend. Not that the friend wasn't cute (and it was really flattering how into me he was) but I couldn't have been less interested.
Sunday we shopped and ended up at South Street Seaport at Nelson Blue - the Kiwi bar that my sort-of-sister-in-law is always trying to get me to. She's a Kiwi herself, but the way she had described it made me expect a grimy sports bar. In actuality the bar is GORGEOUS and lots of fun!
Monday night B and I went to HAIR at the Delacorte. The show was fantastic, and Jonathan Groff was really quite amazing as Claude. It was my first experience with the show, so I'm really glad that it was a good one! I also some Tom Hulce and Michael Mayer while we were waiting to get in (producer and director of Spring Awakening respectively) so that was really cool. Oh, and Lily Cooper was sitting like two rows in front of us (also of Spring Awakening fame).
Afterwards I went home. B was hungry but I had started my cleanse that morning (no wheat and no dairy) so I opted to just head home.
The cleanse is still going strong! It's hard to find things to eat, and especially hard to turn down dairy because it's involved in SO MUCH STUFF! But I've been creative and haven't cheated even once. Go me!
My goal is to go a full week. Maybe even two if I'm up to it come next Monday.
Today I'm heading over to the Midtown Family Center to volunteer with their preventative foster care program. A group of us from work will be hanging with the kids, reading stories, and making arts/crafts. The kids are K-5, which should be really fun! I'll let ya'll (whoever you are) know how that goes tomorrow.
B and I are meeting up afterwards. No plans. Just chillin'. My social life is limited this week as I can't drink (alcohol) and I'm not strong enough to reject temptation should I walk into a bar.
Not that I'm an alcoholic or anything. I assure you I am not. But it's just best that I not tempt myself.
Anyway, I hope you have a good night!
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